Christmas Holiday Gift Ideas for the Builder in Your Life
Today we turned on the Christmas lights and thought, hey, we have not done a holiday gift idea post. Well here you go...
If you have a builder, maker, installer, remodeler, restorer, craftsperson, or anyone in your life who transforms something over time, the perfect gift would be a time lapse camera. This is a gift many wouldn't consider, even the recipient, so it may be a total surprise.
Often referred to as a construction camera (with construction being a very popular use) a Brinno time lapse camera can document any project from start to finish. The difference between a Brinno and other camera solutions is the battery life. Batteries last for days, weeks, even months, depending on the settings, rather than hours from any other camera.
Time lapse is growing in popularity due to the low cost and simplicity of a Brinno camera. Time lapse videos are great on social media, web sites and other marketing channels. People watch time lapse just to see the action unfold.
On Instagram, check out @heresjohnnyh, @dans_carpentry, and @chasegreenbuilt. These guys, and others, use Brinno cameras, create awesome content and endorse our customer service.
We have two great gift recommendations for Christmas 2017.
The Ultimate Camera Bundle is an awesome gift idea. For $534 this gift includes. 2 cameras, 2 housings, 2 clamps and 2 memory cards. Many builders run one or two cameras outdoors for the major exterior work and then move one camera indoors for finish details and variety. With many projects having a second camera angle will add some variety and catch action the other camera may miss. This is our most popular camera bundle and will be greatly appreciated by any recipient.

As always, if a camera is purchased from us we will support the camera user and their project from start to finish. Purchasing a camera from us, not only gives you a tangible gift but you also get the amazing customer service that team provides. If the recipient has any questions, tell them to contact us and we will help them to make their time lapse project a success.
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